A Review on Processing of Waste PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) Plastics

Archna Archna, Vinutha Moses, Sagar S, Shivraj V, Chetan S


Solid waste is essentially waste produced in our homes, businesses and industrial sources. Globally waste production is growing in volume and in toxicity. Plastic waste is a nature threat that is of great concern to the researches to refuse and reuse. The man-made systems emphasize the economic value of materials and energy where production and consumption are the extensive economic actions. Such systems are a threat to the environment as they require maximum consumption of capital energy and the end product waste returned to the environment, is in a form that damages the environment and requires more natural capital in order to feed the system. Hence balance in the ecosystem is to be maintained with great burden. This problem is because of the sheer volume of waste being produced. Utilization of recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate, polycarbonate and melamine in the concrete composite are rarely processed. The plastic bottles broken to granules or into small (PET) particles and used as sand-substitution aggregates in cementitious concrete composites which appear to offer an economical material with consistent properties. The importance of this review is to study the properties of waste PET plastics, processing techniques and its reuse as composite laminates an alternative to wood requirement.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37628/ijpse.v1i1-2.120


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