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The Phenomenon of Photoelectron trap by Thylakoids, Hemi, and semiconductornanoparticles for Photodynamic therapy

Gizachew Diga Milki


This research presents an overview of the comparison of photoelectron trap by both organic and analytic nanoparticles. The phenomenon of photon absorption by organic matter typically chlorophyll pigment (Thylakoids), Heme, and semiconductor nanoparticles such ZnO, TiO2, -Fe2O3 is the focus of current research. The study presents a way of optimizing photoelectron absorption for the applications in Photodynamic therapy. This phenomenon is studied by determining extinction, absorption and scattering probabilities by using the canonical probability theory and density functional theory. Then the relation between probability density and intensity of photoelectron absorbed by spherical Thylakoids, Hemi and metal oxide nanoparticles is presented. It is shown that the photoelectron absorption process in all chlorophyll, Hemi, stated nanoparticles have relatively closer values. From the study it is inferred that the generation of photoelectron is expected in the visible range of wavelength spectrum. Hence, this study is expected to significantly contribute for the potential application in photodynamic therapy (PDT) and cancer therapy.


Density functional theory, Electron trap, Hemi, Nanoparticles, Photoelectron, Photodynamic therapy

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