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Enhancing the Flame Resistance of Hybrid Composite Materials with Inorganic Retardants

Haydar Zaman, Ruhul A. Khan


 Fire safety is a crucial component of measures with the goal of minimizing damage from restricting the spread of fires, preventing flashover, and measuring how to inhibit their beginning. It is feasible to flee for a longer amount of time if flames are prevented or delayed. Consequently, it effectively protects property, health, and life. Polymer characteristics that resist heat and fire frequently altered through the addition of particulate fillers. Numerous industries, including aerospace, automotive, maritime, and the military, have extensive use for these fire retardant polymers. In this article, compression molding was used to create natural fiber reinforced thermoplastic hybrid composites. Researchers looked at the mechanical characteristics and burning speed of composites. The chosen desired specimen was a hybrid composite with a sixty percent PP content in PVC since it produced the greatest results. Magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) and zinc borate with antimony trioxide (ZB-AT) were utilized as fire retardants because of their smaller particle sizes. Tensile strength and impact strength decreased along with the increase in Mg(OH)2 and ZB-AT, although tensile modulus and bending modulus increased. But when ZB-AT was boosted, bending strength increased, and when Mg(OH)2 was high, it decreased. After employing fire retardants, the chosen desired specimen incinerated more slowly.

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