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In Silico Antimicrobial Protein Identification and Gene Expression Analysis in Fiddler Crab Species

B Sulochana, V Kaviya, M Yuvasriand, K Shoba


Fiddler crabs, which belong to the Ocypodidae family and subfamily Ucinae, are prevalent across the world's tropics and subtropics. Decapod crustaceans in the Uca family include Leptuca pugilator (Fiddler crabs), often known as the Atlantic sand fiddler crab or calling crab. They are brachyuran crabs from the Ocypodidae family, which are among the most recent aquatic organisms to reach the shore. Fiddler crabs can be found in the Algarve regions of Portugal, West Africa, the Western Atlantic, the Eastern Pacific, and the Indo-Pacific. They are easily identifiable by their noticeably asymmetrical claws. These species are present in seacoasts and brackish intertidal mud flats, lagoons and swamps, mangroves, salt marshes, and sandy or muddy coasts. Some of the antimicrobial proteins like Ecotin, Brachyuran, Opsin, Betuline, Kumamolisin, Arginine kinase, vitellogenin, Enolase, and Lecithin type c are dimeric periplasmic Membrane, acid collagenase, glycoprotein, yolk precursor proteins are identified in fiddler crab species. The antimicrobial proteins are acquired to find out the structure of the protein for the development of drug design. Antimicrobial protein functional studies were carried out through some of the bioinformatics tools like National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), ScanProsite, ClustalW, ACUA server, etc.


Bioinformatics, antimicrobial protein, fiddler crab, NCBI, ScanProsite, ClustalW, ACUA

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