Mechanical Behavior of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites Modified with Silane Treated Alumina Nanofibers Subjected to Low-Velocity Impact
The rise in demand and interest in lightweight offshore structures for marine, defense, automotive, and aerospace applications require nanoparticle enhancement of fiber-reinforced composite materials. When exposed to low-velocity Impact during service, these materials experience drastic changes and degradation in their macro-and microstructures. Therefore, it is critical to have a detailed comprehension of these materials' mechanical behavior and failure mechanisms. Within the scope of the current study, low-velocity impact behavior of glass fiber/polyester composites modified with vinyl trimethoxy silane treated alumina nanofibers at 0.25wt%, 0.5wt%, 0.75wt% and 1wt% loading levels are investigated. Impact responses, such as the contact force, displacement, and absorbed energy, at four impact energies of 135J, 170J, 205J, and 240J, are determined and compared. Peak load enhancement was observed for vinyl trimethoxy silane-treated alumina nanofibers with increasing loading levels in the composites. The laminate stiffness response was low at lower energy levels, with higher stiffness values at higher loading levels. It was observed that 0.25wt%, 0.50wt%, and 0.75wt% loading levels of vinyl silane-treated alumina nanofibers modified composites observed DTL after reaching the peak load, indicating maximum energy absorption without reduction in impact strengths.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37628/ijccm.v9i2.1004
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