Thermogravimetic Study Of Chrysodine Dye Type Bridge Containing Bis (8-quinolinol)s Ligands and Their Coordination Polymers
Our thermogravimetric analysis state that the degradation in chrysodine dye type bridge containing bis (8-quinolinol)s metal coordination polymers was initiated at almost the same temperature near about 25-500 C(T0). The remarkable difference is observed in the mode of thermal degradation of the parent ligand and its coordination polymer. The unchelated bis(8-quinolinol) ligand and coordination polymers begin to decompose almost at the same temperature but in the polymer chelates this decomposition propagated very fast compared to that in its parent ligand. The mode of thermal degradation in all of the coordination polymers is found to be similar. However, the rate of thermal decomposition in each of the samples is remarkably different indicating that the thermal degradation is dependent on the efficiency of a central metal atom to act as a catalyst in the thermal decomposition. Comparison of TG data of coordination polymers has shown that a series of coordination polymers of bis(8-quinolinol)s ligand CP-1 are thermally most stable. The coordination polymers of six bis(8-quinolinol)s ligands have indicated that the Cu-coordinated polymers of these bis(8-quinolinol)s ligands have the least thermal stability. However, the order of thermal stability among the coordination polymers in each series of bis(8-quinolinol)s ligands is different indicating the structure of the aliphatic bridge.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37628/jcmm.v9i2.1042
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