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Experimental Investigation of Visco-Elastic Behavior for Ecovio F Film C2203 Biopolymer Melts

Ramzi A. Abd Alsaheb, Jaafar Kamil Abdulla


The visco-elastic behavior of biopolymers fluid are significantly interested in their internal structure, thus, it has been experimentally investigated for various industrial applications. This paper studies the characterization of (Ecovio F Film C2203) biopolymer because of their characteristics and importance in different fields of environment and health. Two form of rheometers instruments have been used at temperatures between (140 - 220) ˚C to describe the visco-elastic behavior of (Ecovio F Film C2203) biopolymer melts with different investigating mechanisms. compared the linear results wobbling method for the results of steady-state method; also provided for storage and the wastage modulus of a melted biopolymer, in addition, offered the Cox-Merz model also. One of the major problems was in the using of a capillary rheometer, because of the long chains of a molecule which led to the lowering viscosity.

Keywords: Biopolymer, Ecovio F Film C2203, High-pressure capillary rheometer, Visco-elastic behavior.

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